Dreamless by Josephine Angelini
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
So I’m totally wavering between 3.5 and 4 stars on this one… not because of the story or the writing so much as just how pissed off I was at Helen’s ‘friends’ in this book.
To be honest, I should have reread the end of the first book before I started, but instead I just dove right in, because authors have a habit of rehashing major plot points in following books I figured I’d get some of that here and not be so lost. o__o not so much. We got a bit, but I spent most of the first four chapters wondering who was who and what the heck we were doing and oh yeah… what was this about again.
So, at the end of the last book something MAJOR happened. (can you tell i’m trying super hard to be spoiler free) If you read it, you know what I’m talking about. It affects a lot of what happens in this book for sure.
Helen’s friends pissed me off… A LOT. I mean I get that she has this mission that only she can do, and they are helping however they can, but I wanted to junk punch Jason through most of the book and Claire went from super supportive and there for Helen at times to being more worried about a person she has only known for less than a year than she is for Helen. Helen’s loneliness was so potent that at times I was incredibly sad for her.
What did I love –
I know I was pissed at him a lot but I loved Lucas, I did in the first book and I do now. Do I hate the circumstances they are in and do I find it a bit creepy? Definitely, but he’s so lovely I can almost forget all those other details LOL
Orion is a new character in this book and I have to admit, I fell in love with him and spent most of the book shrugging to myself saying… he’s a good second option… but man this girl has the worst luck because of his role in all of this he’s for the most part, off limits too.
I ADORE Hector – A big teddy bear to Helen and his family (unless the furies are involved) but a warrior at heart. Please note- I want/need more of him in book 3. I mean I get why he was only in this one sporadically, but it wasn’t enough for me!
So obviously there is a love triangle… which seems to be the case with almost every single book I read these days, but it actually wasn’t too bad for me to read and maybe that was because I really like both of the boys involved.
Helen was alone in a lot of this book – As the Descender she has to make trips to the Underworld to find the Furies and try to remove the blood feuds between the different Scion families. This book had tons of action, of course the climax was incredibly dramatic. I really enjoyed it and I wasn’t really expecting what happened.
Overall a great second book in the series and I’m looking forward to the third because the way Angelini left this one proves that it will be quite the epic battle.
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