Hi everyone! Thank you so much for joining us for this fun blog hop!
We here at Fiction Fare with our loves over at Swoony Boys Podcast have been trying to think of a fun blog hop that we could host, and with Valentine’s Day around the corner, we knew exactly what we wanted to do… and so we’re bringing you 14 days of fun posts, a scavenger hunt and giveaways galore!
Make sure you visit all the blogs on the tour and check out what they’re writing out on their day, as well as enter their giveaway!
The scavenger hunt part of this adds more chances for you to enter to win! We’re offering a tourwide giveaway that will include a $20 amazon giftcard plus a bracelet featuring some of our favorite swoony books!
What you need to do is visit each blog and collect words. Don’t worry they will be marked in some way to make it obvious that those are the words you need. Because this hop ended up having more people interested than we were expecting we’ve split the two weeks into two different quotes! All the blogs for the first week will make up one quote and all the blogs for the second week will make up a separate quote! Make sure you enter them in the rafflecopter at the end of the hop to get extra entries!
Now, make sure you head to all of these blogs for the fun!
We here at Fiction Fare with our loves over at Swoony Boys Podcast have been trying to think of a fun blog hop that we could host, and with Valentine’s Day around the corner, we knew exactly what we wanted to do… and so we’re bringing you 14 days of fun posts, a scavenger hunt and giveaways galore!
Make sure you visit all the blogs on the tour and check out what they’re writing out on their day, as well as enter their giveaway!
The scavenger hunt part of this adds more chances for you to enter to win! We’re offering a tourwide giveaway that will include a $20 amazon giftcard plus a bracelet featuring some of our favorite swoony books!
What you need to do is visit each blog and collect words. Don’t worry they will be marked in some way to make it obvious that those are the words you need. Because this hop ended up having more people interested than we were expecting we’ve split the two weeks into two different quotes! All the blogs for the first week will make up one quote and all the blogs for the second week will make up a separate quote! Make sure you enter them in the rafflecopter at the end of the hop to get extra entries!
Now, make sure you head to all of these blogs for the fun!
14 Days of Fictional Swooning Schedule
February 1st- Fiction Fare
February 1st- Swoony Boys Podcast
February 2nd- Literary, etc.
February 3rd- Adventures in YA Publishing
February 3rd- A Soul Unsung: Book Gossip for the Soul
February 4th- Bookish Things & More
February 5th- Books and Swoons
February 5th- Love at First Page
February 6th- Awesome Book Nuts
February 6th- Mainstream Passionista
February 6th- The Book Sphere
February 7th- I Turn the Pages
February 7th- Andi’s ABCs
February 8th- Na’s Not So Newsworthy Thoughts
February 8th- WhoRUBlog
February 9th- Gun in Act One
February 9th- We So Nerdy
February 10th- What Sarah Read
February 10th- Flutters and Flails
February 11th- The Book Addict’s Guide
February 11th- Effortlessly Reading
February 11th- Lostbraincell’s Bookish Blog
February 12th- GReads!
February 12th- Books Equal Awesomeness
February 13th- My Friends Are Fiction
February 13th- Lee Kelly: New Write City
February 14th- Fiction Fare
February 14th- Swoony Boys Podcast
So today, we’re talking about our Top 5 Book Boyfriends, and let me tell you… there was a huge process to narrowing this list down. Plus the lovely and amazing Meg from Swoony Boys helped us with dreamcasting!
I don’t even know what to say about Jase that I haven’t already. He’s my favorite and probably will be forever. I can’t imagine anyone ever taking his place and here’s why.
Jase slides his thumbs behind my ears, rubbing the hollow at their base. He’s only inches from my face, still looking into my eyes. “You bet. I’m studying you.”
Matt Finch is like everyone’s boyfriend, but I had to include him on my list because I Heart Matt Finch.
“I really like you,” Matt announces, which somehow makes me feel more embarrassed. “You’re unpredictable and smart, and I basically want to spend all of my time with you.”

Jason is mine. That is all. Do not try to take him from me. You will lose.
“She is different. And I’m ready to prove just how much.”
Um… He works at Starbucks… Add in the fact that he’s full of smiles and incredibly adorable and I’d totally read things to him… anytime.
“It’s okay if you’re crazy,” he said softly.
“You don’t even know-“
“I don’t have to know,” he said. “I’m rooting for you.”
So Meg and I have agreed to share Josh… even though I’m not entirely on board with this, I’ll accept it … for now. Josh is so amazing you guys. If you haven’t read this, or if you haven’t pre-ordered this, then get on it because I guarantee you will love him.
“Sky,” he whispered. My name in his mouth sounded like a warning, but he wasn’t letting go, was gripping me harder, and after all these weeks of anxious hope, it was suddenly so easy to just turn my body a few degrees and press my lips against his.

I love Finn…there really isn’t much more to say. Okay..he is protective, smart, and loves Cate like crazy. Also, he says things like:
“When.” He takes my cold hand in his. “I’m falling in love with you more every day. I don’t know if they were the same things I loved about you before, but now–the bit of red in your hair. The way you tilt your chin when you get angry, like you’re charging into battle. How fiercely protective you are of the people you care about. How big your capacity for forgiveness is. You are an amazing woman, Cate Cahill.”

Josh Bennett gets quite a few sighs from me. He builds Nastya a chair and calls her Sunshine and….so much more.
He shrugs and turns to me, drowning the smile that cracks me every time.
“It’s not stupid to want to see her again.”
“It wasn’t so much that I wanted to see her again,” he says, looking at me with the depth of more than seventeen years in his eyes. “I wanted her to see you.”
“It’s not stupid to want to see her again.”
“It wasn’t so much that I wanted to see her again,” he says, looking at me with the depth of more than seventeen years in his eyes. “I wanted her to see you.”

Bishop Lattimer is a new favorite of mine – he’s definitely swoony and he’s all mine (I’m looking at you Jaime)! I loved how his character was developed in this story and here is a perfect example of why he is on the list.
“Because I’m in love with you, Ivy,” he whispers. “Giving up on you isn’t an option.” He lifts my hair away from the back of my neck and kisses the delicate skin there.

I love Arin…I don’t even know what to say here about him because there isn’t just one thing that makes him a favorite. Just trust me…he is deserving.
“My soul is yours,” he said. “You know that it is.”
Chaol…I adore him because he is perfect for Celaena plus he . He forces her to see things from a different perspective, he brings her cake, and he says lovely things…
“Believe me, Celaena, I know you can look after yourself. But I worry because I care. Gods help me, I know I shouldn’t, but I do. So I will always tell you to be careful, because I will always care what happens.”
We have a hop wide giveaway happening as well! Make sure you visit all the sites to collect the words to make some quotes!
AND BECAUSE I SCREWED UP!! I’m making it easy for you to find today’s words!!
we’re not together
AND BECAUSE I SCREWED UP!! I’m making it easy for you to find today’s words!!
we’re not together
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